Artist: The Dali Thundering Concept
Album: When X Met Y….
Genre: Progressive Deathcore/Experimental Deathcore/Mathcore
Bit Rate: 320 Kbps
Bit Rate: 320 Kbps
Track Listing:
1. Primitive Art -Act I
2. Abstract Art – From Chains to Insanity
3. Realism – The Stone Ego Paradox
4. Surrealism – Act II
5. Futurism – The Prometheus Addiction
6. Avantgarde - Requiem For a Mind Fucked Brain
Support: Bandcamp
Preview: “Realism – The Stone Ego Paradox”
This was one of the songs on the Encyclopedia Deathcore complication, although I already knew them it reminded me to post this :P This EP is probably my favorite one one that complication. It has some heavy breakdowns, some cool mathy things going on, it also kind of reminds me of Danza. The only thing I would change is the production quality, there are some parts with some heavy clipping, I'm not sure if it was intentional or not but it still works either way.
This was one of the songs on the Encyclopedia Deathcore complication, although I already knew them it reminded me to post this :P This EP is probably my favorite one one that complication. It has some heavy breakdowns, some cool mathy things going on, it also kind of reminds me of Danza. The only thing I would change is the production quality, there are some parts with some heavy clipping, I'm not sure if it was intentional or not but it still works either way.
glad to hear about the new complication, looking forward to it :D